Web & Social Media

Holding myself accountable

I set goals in the beginning of the year in the Web and Social Media realm to help keep me accountable to my vision for Eastside Online.

Web work

Although I have been a print leader during my time in Eastside, I still have worked extensively with multimedia work. For example, inspired by the Humans of New York coverage, I led my own multimedia package - Humans of East. I maintained ongoing communication with my team to help ensure that stories and assignments were getting in on time.

Click the image above to view the Humans of East package!

Web tools

I have familiarized myself with tools like Knightlab to help create interactive multimedia graphics. Over the summer, I also had the chance to delve into the world of data-driven journalism through the Data Science - Kode with Klossy program. I used computer science to create visual maps of green gentrification in the Philadelphia area and created a web project on it.

I made this bar graph using Looker Studio to display the rise in household incomes between 2000 and 2014 due to gentrification.

This was a map I created over the summer to visualize the racial gentrification in Philadelphia in different geographic regions.

This was a timeline I created for the online version of the generational divide in-depth reporting package I did.

Click the image above to view the Green Gentrification reporting!

Social media

I tried to transform our social media accounts to use them as more than just a platform to get survey responses and fundraising to a genuine source of reporting. I worked extensively with the media and photo section editors to bring our social media to life. We began doing breaking news reporting, Instagram reels, and more story updates to try to be a true source of reporting for our audience. When we had a lack of photographers taking high quality photos for our social media, I also began taking photos to help revitalize our accounts. Below are examples of my social media reporting (all Instagram reporting automatically links to Facebook).

Building a social media team

For the first time, I created an official social media team within the Eastside board, dedicated to posting timely, engaging reporting. By making an official WhatsApp Group, I was able to improve communication significantly and work with the photo editors and writers to get coverage at events.

This is the introductory message I sent to the Eastside Social Media Team WhatsApp Group in the beginning of the year.

Print to online

One standard I have maintained is that for each print issue, section editors should incorporate one multimedia element, whether that is a video, podcast, or quiz. I have also tried to ensure that all print stories are published online and usually adapted to include multimedia elements that may have not been initially conducive to the print layout.