Broadcast Journalism

Broadcast journalism examples

Media-infused journalism is undeniably the future. Therefore, I have worked on developing my broadcast journalism skills over the past few years.

For example, for a package exploring the music department at my school, I worked with the photo editor to film a 73 Questions video on one of the vocal instructors in the school.

Additionally, this past summer I visited Peru and was able to work with the media editor to document the loss of indigenous language, working with a local non-profit to get subtitles in English. This opened my eyes to the importance of visual and audio storytelling.

This was a 73 questions feature I filmed with a loved vocal teacher in the music department.

Transcript from an interview with a woman in Peru for a story on indigenous linguistic loss.

This was a lighthearted video I filmed over a few months trying different lunch spots in my school. This video ended up getting hundreds of views and was a fun way to connect with different communities in my high school.

Podcasting initiatives

For years, I have been listening to podcasts. It wasn’t until my experience with journalism that I realized that I could start recording some of my own.

I have led numerous podcast initiatives during my time at Eastside and outside of Eastside. Within Eastside, I worked on “The Truth About” podcast series that covered topics like Asian Hate and the college admissions process. Currently, I am recording another youth-philosophy podcast co-hosted with this year’s Managing Editor.

Outside of Eastside, I run my own podcast / visual interview series called “Teddy Talks,” focused on connecting the leaders of tomorrow to the leaders of today through youth-led interviews.